For Shakira, the numbers don't lie. On Friday, the international pop sensation took to Facebook to address the momentous occasion that went down in her social media world: 100,000,000 Facebook Likes on her fan page. That's right, not only is the Columbian singer the Queen of the World Cup, she's also the Queen of Facebook. To put that into context, her Facebook Likes represent roughly 8% of the social media site's 1.28 billion monthly active users. While 100 million might not seem like such a big deal, it is when you consider the marketing benefits. Albums, music videos, merchandise, and announcements of performances and The Voice appearances, are all easily promoted through her fan page and inevitably translated into big commercial gains.

So how did Shakira become the most popular person on Facebook? According to the Wall Street Journal, her impressive FB following count comes from a combination of World Cup appearances that have enhanced her international appeal, and her willingness to get personal. The singer often translates posts into different languages and signs them with "Shakira" so people know the message came from her and not her marketing team. To put Shakira's meteoric social media rise into perspective, here are the eight celebrities and franchises who aren't very far from achieving the same milestone.

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